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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Want to help tend the garden this summer?

There will be lots of activity at McKinley this summer with the bond construction that's happening. They are going to transform the inside of our old school. Rumor is there might even be drinkable water out of the drinking fountains to rival the cold one in the gym! 

So, we will have some access to the garden this summer, and there are some plants out there that will need our attention as the days get hotter and drier. We are working on a schedule for watering, with people signing up for a week at a time. Ideally, we are going to try and get a timer and drip system so that the "watering" of the garden would entail you coming and making sure it's all working and NOT hauling multiple watering cans from the faucet to the garden.

Are you interested in helping out this summer?
Just email me at

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Have you seen the veggies?

This has been a cold, wet spring. But apparently peas, radishes, lettuce and chard all like that kind of weather. Maybe it's the fabulous starts we got from Justin or Minto Island Growers. Maybe it's the attentive care all those students have given to their little plants growing and growing. It's a magic combination! We had fresh lettuce on Monday in the salad bar and Judy roasted up some delicious rainbow chard for kids to try. 1st and 2nd graders have been trying tiny little radishes and lettuce--"did you know lettuce can be red sometimes?" How exciting to see young people watching food grow, eating it, and really giving some thought to how that all happens. Well, maybe not too much thought. But it's exciting to see kids getting excited about the garden! Here's a few photos of what's growing now.

Lettuce, peas and greens, oh my!

I'd buy their lettuce

Room 10's lettuce & peas

Room 6's greens, veggies & soon-to-be flowers.