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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

McKinley Elementary School PTC and McKinley Gardens
Invite you to a

Come join us for an evening of local food, music, and
activities. It’ll be a great opportunity for all of us to
come together as a community to celebrate the effort, energy
and passion people have put into making a school garden
at McKinley a reality.

° Farm to School Dinner catered by Bon Appetit 
   served from 5:30-7:30 PM
° Harvest Bar provided by Sodexo
° Zero Waste Station from Allied Waste Services
° Live Music performed by Audiolenz
° Garden Activities & Crafts
   hosted by McKinley’s Roots & Shoots Club


Dinner: Kids--$3.00     Adults--$5.00
 Dinner & Garden Supporter--$10.00

Party in the Garden

Friday, June 3
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Monday, May 16, 2011


Take a look at what's growing in the garden!
Thank you to Mrs. S's students 
that stayed to help make trellises last Friday.

Farm to School Lunch
Friday, May 20th
More information to come...


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mr. J's Third graders in the garden

Last week Elizabeth from Minto Brown Island Growers came to McKinley with some starts from her greenhouse and Mr. J's class headed into the garden to do some planting. There were three kinds of peas and three kinds of lettuce. We learned a little bit about a local farmer, what kinds of plants like the cool Spring weather (lettuce and peas!), and got to get our hands dirty planting something we can tend, grow and eventually eat.

Elizabeth explaining
how to plant the little starts

He looks like he's done this before

Lots of digging! And directing!

Must be good dirt, the worms like it